Is ‘Digital Wellness’ Really A Thing?

Distracting and addicting tech is a growing epidemic that affects every aspect of our workplaces, families and communities.
Research conducted by the Royal Society for Public Health shows that social media sites are contributing to body image and body confidence issues in young people.
We explored how much screen time is too much for children and young people.
Every time you use the phone for something important, such as connecting with a friend, it’s tempting to open up its other functions, most of which aren’t particularly enriching.
According to Deloitte’s global mobile consumer survey, 80% of smart phone users check their phones within 1 hour of waking or going to sleep.
53% of people look at their phone even when dining out with friends or family, YouGov 2018.
Its well-known that our smartphones are a distraction.
When was the last time you shut down all your phones and electronic gadgets to disconnect and have a conversation?
The thought of having to do this is likely to cause anxiety in most people today, as we have become too dependent on our digital devices.
However, the way people use or abuse technology is creating serious concerns for peoples physical and mental health.
As a mental health expert and working with individuals, the concept of digital wellness has really become a real thing in this era, with most concern being for the younger generations and becoming tech addicts.
What is Digital Wellness?
Technology is meant to be used to improve lives.
A way of life that promotes optimal health and well-being in which body, mind, and spirit while using technology are integrated by the individual to live more fully within the human, natural and digital communities.
It’s ironic that we can become more disconnected from what is really going on, as we get more connected digitally.
In other word’s people’s digital well-being should be kept in check if we are to maintain overall health and wellness balance.
Some might not realise what’s wrong with using digital products since they are indeed useful.
They can help you be more productive and provide you with some form of gratification.
But, if you want to be truly healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally. You should care about digital wellness
4 Ways to Increase Digital Wellness?
We just have to learn to maintain our digital health, using technology to optimise our health and well-being, connected to the physical world around us and enjoy both the online and offline spaces we create;
- Screen Time How much time is too much? Do you understand where you spend the most time online? Set a screen time on your digital devices to help you to monitor your daily consumption. This will help you to increase your awareness of what apps or devices you spend the most time and then gives you the option if you want to continue to use them or not. You may choose to do something else instead.
- Sleep Remove all devices from the bedroom and buy an alarm clock to wake you up. This simple change can completely change how you start and finish your day. You don’t go to bed or wake up to notifications that distract you and draw your attention to unhelpful activities before you get up or go to bed.
- Meal Times No phones at the dinner table or while you are eating. Try to have a conversation instead, particularly during family time. Being present and listening can be one of the most powerful ways to demonstrate you care. Phones OFF, Conversations ON a digital wellness campaign to improve human connection.
- Digital Detox At least once a quarter try to turn your phone off and all your devices just for the weekend. Taking a digital detox is good for your mental health. Try to connect with nature and go for walks outdoors. If you are worried about an emergency situation, ask people to call you on the landline or the old-fashioned way, turn up at the door and knock! If this is too difficult while at home, it may be easier to take a break and get away.
Ideally, we can live optimal lives with technology and we don’t have to live without our gadgets or disabled from social media. Join us this month on our podcast to learn more about how to sustain balance.