
Neurodivergence at work

Neurodivergence at work Wouldn't it be great if we could fast forward to a point where we don't need labels. Where we have more flexibility, inclusion and understanding in educational and work cultures. Where teachers, leaders, line managers and colleagues understand that one size does not fit all.And, people leaders...

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Episode 89 – Dealing with everyday racism

Dr Shungu Hilda M'gadzah Director & Lead Consultant Psychologist with over 30 years experience working as a DEI coach at senior executive board level. Today we are going deeper to explore everyday racism and sharing our experiences of every racism within her six stage framework to understand & tackle racism...

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A goal without a deadline is just a WISH!

A goal without a deadline is just a WISH! If I asked for an increase and I got shut down, it didn't stop me. I was no longer able to play small and I was focused on really doing things differently. I had already planned my next steps prior, so...

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Amplifying Diverse Voices During Mental Health Awareness Week

Amplifying Diverse Voices During Mental Health Awareness Week It was both sad and disappointing the recent Race Equalities finding from the government’s handpicked educationalist, Tony Sewell claiming that Britain was not an institutionally racist country and failed to recognise institutional racism. I wonder what the mother of Stephen Lawrence would...

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4 Ways To Foster a Sense of Belonging in Your Workplace

Fostering a sense of belonging Belonging involves having a sense of connection and feeling valued by the people around you. Connection plays a valuable role on our mental health, which makes having positive relations and purpose within working life extra important. The belonging of employees should therefore not only gain...

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Hybrid Workplace – Lacking Routine And Work-Life Balance

Lacking Routine And Work-Life Balance Leaders and HR Managers are having similar conversations across organisations around building hybrid workplaces and how to boost optimism as we go into winter during a second lockdown.   From what I hear many people are enjoying remote working and have extra time on their...

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Episode 63 – Returning To The Office

Part 1- How Safe Really Is It To Return To The Office? Less than 20% of workers feel positive about heading back to the office, as workplaces begin to re-open. Paris Petgrave CEO & Founder Of We Love Work. Digital strategy implementation to support employees safely back to work. We...

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Episode 60 – Belonging & Emotional Resilience

Thriving Leadership Series Part 4 Geoff McDonald has over 25 years experience in leadership & talent development with a career at Unilever. Geoff is a now a Mental Health Campaigner & Co-Founder of the Charity ‘Minds@Work’, exploring belonging & building emotional resilience.   0.48 - Fostering a ‘Culture Of Wellbeing’...

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Episode 59 – Transformation In Uncertainty 2

Thriving Leadership Series Part 3 Agnis Stibe Professor of Transformation & Founder of TRANSFORMS.ME helping to accelerate conscious evolution is exploring the impact of the pandemic and transformational leadership. 1.03 - Social Distancing, Proximity & Human Connection 3.31 - Wisdom in Evolution - Where Do We Go Next? 6.19 -...

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Episode 58- Transformation In Uncertainty

Part 2 - Thriving Leadership Series. Agnis Stibe, Professor of Transformation & Founder of TRANSFORMS.ME helping to accelerate conscious evolution. 0.55 - TransformMe Conscious Evolution 3.10 - Stop Lieing To Ourselves 4.51 - Going Deeper & Shifting Paradigms 6.42 - Interconnectivity Meets Wellbeing 8.16 - Thriving With Infinite Energy 13.02...

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