Wellness Fad Or Natures Miracle
CBD is being labelled as one of the fastest growing industries estimated to be worth £2.2bn by 2020 and £1bn by 2025.
Big brands, celebrities and entrepreneurs, coined as ‘Cannaprenuers’ are bringing new innovations and products to the market in a booming industry, with no signs of slowdown.
A popular self-care alternative to traditional pills and doctor visits with therapeutic benefits which are meant to improve symptoms of anxiety, depression and even sleeping disorders.
Is this really natures miracle or nothing but the latest wellness fad?
What is CBD?
The name is short for cannabidiol derived mainly from the flowers, leaves, stem and stalks of the hemp plant, then diluted with a carrier oil, like hemp seed oil or coconut oil, typically taken in one of five ways.
Tinctures, vaping, edibles, mixing with lotions and creams or capsules. Each method has its benefits or advantages, as well as different strengths and potency.
CBD is the most important compound found in the hemp plant, with over 100 compounds. Often confused with THC, which is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that makes you feel high.
CBD does contain very small amounts of THC, the legal requirement to remain within the law is below 0.2% of THC.
What Are The Health Benefits?
CBD is a rapidly growing industry, with new brands and products coming to market in such a speed that it leaves consumers seriously confused and wondering if any, what really are the health benefits.
There is also a lack of regulation in this space. Scientific testing is inconclusive, largely because it’s not fully known if CBD helps to alleviate discomfort or pain or enhance our enjoyments.
CBD oils are still not very well understood by many of the public, making it difficult to determine which provide the best benefits.
Yet, more than 60 percent of CBD users were taking it for anxiety, according to a survey of 5,000 people and some people are claiming it to be making a dent in the opioid crisis, as a healthier and more sustainable alternative for pain relief.
The benefits of CBD that have been repeatedly claimed by many users, include;
- Alleviate pain, primarily by affecting endocannabinoid receptors in the nervous system
- Reduce psychological disorders like depression or anxiety—it’s thought that this happens because of CBD’s effects on serotonin receptors;
- Alleviate cancer symptoms (i.e., vomiting, nausea, pain);
- Reduce acne, since CBD oil is naturally slightly anti-inflammatory—it’s also thought to reduce sebum, an oily compound naturally produced by the skin, which can clog your pores;
- Prevent neurological disorder effects (i.e., multiple sclerosis, epilepsy) because of how it interacts with the brain;
- Boost heart health by reducing high blood pressure and generally lowering anxiety or stress, both of which contribute to bad heart health;
- Other benefits, as CBD oil is known to have antioxidant properties and be able to modify neural pathways in the brain, particularly those that form around substance dependency.
Despite the many health benefits claimed only you can decide to invest your time and money into the latest wellness fad, or if it really is natures miracle. CBD oil is not meant to be used as a cure for any of the above conditions or diseases.