
Being Black, Female and a Founder

Black Female Founder Based on estimates by the UK government, UK Black female-owned enterprises account for 0.63% of all micro, small and medium enterprises, while Black female adults make up 1.56% of the total UK population. The number of black female founders is increasing in the UK but only 0.5%...

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Black Women in Corporate

Black Women in Corporate None of us have had perfect lives. We all have had some form of traumatic experience, but black women are subjected to this unique form of discrimination. Misogynoir is a term coined in 2010 by Moya Bailey to describe the “specific hatred, dislike, distrust and prejudice directed...

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Mixed Fragility & Colourism

The Mixed-Race Identity In society, we often think about identity in a binary or mono-racial way which can leave mixed-race people struggling to find places where they feel they fit in. Mixed-race people can have dissimilar experiences growing up and struggle between occupying two different sides of heritage at the...

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Why Mental Health Matters?

The impact of COVID-19 on mental health Mental Health matters today because the actions taken now by governments and corporations globally will be a game changer for mental health over the next 3-4 years. Mental health is not just a health issue, but it is also connected to our homes,...

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Establishing Safe Spaces

Establishing safe spaces In response to last year’s global protests for racial justice, employers started to emphasise their commitment to Diversity & Inclusion more in the workplace. The initial response by many corporates was to establish a place for safety for black and brown employees to share experiences of grief...

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Amplifying Diverse Voices During Mental Health Awareness Week

Amplifying Diverse Voices During Mental Health Awareness Week It was both sad and disappointing the recent Race Equalities finding from the government’s handpicked educationalist, Tony Sewell claiming that Britain was not an institutionally racist country and failed to recognise institutional racism. I wonder what the mother of Stephen Lawrence would...

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Microaggressions – Why They Matter? 

What exactly is a microaggression? The term microaggression describes an experience of verbal or behavioural humiliation to communicate hostile, derogatory or negative attitudes towards stigmatised or culturally marginalised groups. Microaggressions are often discussed in relation to race, yet anyone in a marginalised group can be a victim of a microaggression,...

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5 Ways To Nurture And Retain Diverse Talent

Why retaining diverse talent is the future of your workforce? Today, companies require a diverse workforce in order to successfully retain employees, who visualise problems from numerous different perspectives. If a business lacks diversity of thought, it lacks the full potential to finding creative and alternative solutions. Having a diverse...

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4 Ways To Foster a Sense of Belonging in Your Workplace

Fostering a sense of belonging Belonging involves having a sense of connection and feeling valued by the people around you. Connection plays a valuable role on our mental health, which makes having positive relations and purpose within working life extra important. The belonging of employees should therefore not only gain...

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Racial Trauma – Why Race Matters In Mental Health?

The Road Towards Race EqualityLast week was Race Equality Week for 2021 and the events of the past year, including the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement and the disproportionate effect of Covid-19 makes issues surrounding race inequality, still more relevant than ever.Workplaces reconsidered their policies around diversity and...

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